International Student Representative Nominee: Lanting Jiang

Nominee Details

Nominated Role: International Student Representative
Year in Department: 1st
Lab Group: Wolf Group

Campaign Introduction:

Hello all,
My name is Lanting Jiang. I am a first-year graduate student in Wolf Group. I want to nominate myself as the CGSS International Student Representative.
The main reason for this nomination is due to the fact that I am an international student. I came from China while I had already obtained my undergraduate degree at the University of Alberta in Canada. As a result, I have had a good time getting along with students from multicultural backgrounds.
During my past 4 years, I also volunteered as a international ambassador and senior peer in the International Student Center at my previous institute. With all of the accumulated experience in organizing international student events such as a international cuisine week, I am confident to be a candidate as an international student representative. I am happy to hear and collect the voice from international students for CGSS and help with those who struggle with their life and study in a foreign environment.
I would work with all my passion and enthusiasm to cater to all the international graduate students in Chemistry Department if I were to be elected by the committee CGSS.
Thank you for your careful consideration!
Lanting Jiang